Countdown to Hebden Bridge

In a few days I will be setting off to Hebden Bridge with four 17 year old boys; my son and three of his friends. This is either going to be very entertaining or absolute hell. Being an optimistic I think it will be great fun. We chose Hebden Bridge for its close proximity to Manchester. We are looking for some culture and epic banter. Let's see what we end up with...

Friday, July 3, 2015

And breathe!

There is something about getting ready for a holiday that actually makes you more in need of a holiday than ever. This one is no exception.

First came the realisation that there probably isn't WiFi in the holiday cottage. I was far too busy being overawed by the rustic charm of the place, the beautiful views, the three en-suite bathrooms and the dishwasher to notice such a minor flaw. Minor to me; pretty major for the teenagers. Thankfully they won't have to go completely cold turkey since pretty much every cafe has free WiFi access these days. I think I shall be forced to drink a lot of coffee this holiday.

The second stress was caused by the new driving licence legislation which came into force on the 8th June. The paper counterpart of the old driving licence is no longer valid. You now have to access your details online. This really only matters when you need to hire a car - which I am doing for the holiday. The car hire companies need to check your licence online and you have to go online to DVLA and get a security code to allow them to do this. I gave the new service a go a few weeks ago and it worked a treat. However, when I tried to access for the holiday it wouldn't work. This meant I had to ring DVLA on their expensive Helpline to get a code. My heart nearly stopped when the young lady with a very cheerful South Wales accent said, oh dear, I don't seem to be able to find your licence. However, a few nail biting minutes later (and probably another tenner on the phone bill) she found it and gave me the code. Phew! I had visions of trying to get a train all the way from Aberdeen to Hebden Bridge with the boys (who would not be best pleased at this change of transport).

So now I can relax. The cat sitter is sorted (Thanks a million Olaf) the weather is flat calm for tonight's crossing on the boat and sunshine is predicted for at least some of the week.

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